Wednesday, April 12, 2006
OVAL Ohio Library News Digest
City Chatter: Breast Defense: County libraries cloak Sports Illustrated's most popular issue
Right here in the magazine aisle of Parma's branch of the Cuyahoga County Public Library, the anemic ranks of the Standards Police have found the boobs they'd hoped could be hidden from our children forever.
Cleveland Free Times. 4/12/06.
Second youth pleads guilty in crash into public library
In one month, Christopher Clark had been in three stolen cars. The 15-year-old was in the back seat of a red 1997 Cadillac he helped steal on Feb. 6 when it was rammed into an East Side library.
Columbus Dispatch. 4/12/06.
Marysville Public Library receives $13,000 LSTA Grant
Marysville Public Library is the recipient of a recent grant from the State Library of Ohio.
Marysville Journal-Tribune. 4/12/06.
Friends of Library holding silent auction
MOUNT VERNON — The Friends of the Library is sponsoring a silent auction, “Birds and Blooms,” on the main floor of the Public Library of Mount Vernon and Knox County.
Mount Vernon News. 4/11/06.
Library will offer access to 4 other Ohio systems
Lucas County residents unable to find next month's reading selection at their local branch of the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library will be able to access collections at other libraries around the state.
Toledo Blade. 4/12/06.
Library brick a rosy choice for trustees
WOOSTER - Trustees reached a consensus on the color of the brick for the exterior face of the new downtown library in Wooster fairly easily. Agreeing on how to cover the drop-off point on the south side entrance may prove more problematic.
Wooster Daily Record. 4/12/06.
Right here in the magazine aisle of Parma's branch of the Cuyahoga County Public Library, the anemic ranks of the Standards Police have found the boobs they'd hoped could be hidden from our children forever.
Cleveland Free Times. 4/12/06.
Second youth pleads guilty in crash into public library
In one month, Christopher Clark had been in three stolen cars. The 15-year-old was in the back seat of a red 1997 Cadillac he helped steal on Feb. 6 when it was rammed into an East Side library.
Columbus Dispatch. 4/12/06.
Marysville Public Library receives $13,000 LSTA Grant
Marysville Public Library is the recipient of a recent grant from the State Library of Ohio.
Marysville Journal-Tribune. 4/12/06.
Friends of Library holding silent auction
MOUNT VERNON — The Friends of the Library is sponsoring a silent auction, “Birds and Blooms,” on the main floor of the Public Library of Mount Vernon and Knox County.
Mount Vernon News. 4/11/06.
Library will offer access to 4 other Ohio systems
Lucas County residents unable to find next month's reading selection at their local branch of the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library will be able to access collections at other libraries around the state.
Toledo Blade. 4/12/06.
Library brick a rosy choice for trustees
WOOSTER - Trustees reached a consensus on the color of the brick for the exterior face of the new downtown library in Wooster fairly easily. Agreeing on how to cover the drop-off point on the south side entrance may prove more problematic.
Wooster Daily Record. 4/12/06.