Monday, May 22, 2006
In case you missed the OLC Small Libraries Conference...
Here are summaries of two of the sessions I attended. I wish I could have gone to all of them. This was a really good conference. (Do I sound like an OLC commercial?)
“This Place is a Circus! or How Many Clowns Can Really Fit in That Car?”
Presented by Tom Lianez
This workshop was very well received! (It really helps when the speaker has a great sense of humor, doesn’t it?) I saw lots of nodding heads throughout.
This discussion was about how to gain control of the craziness in small libraries.
--An old circus/carnival saying – When one of the carnies was in trouble, this was yelled and all of the others would come running to assist. The point? Get the backing of your staff.
“Are you breaking up the act?”
What to do when your friend becomes your boss...communicate, communicate, communicate! If this transition is tough for you, it’s also difficult for them.
The kiss of death for a manager: talking about staff on a personal basis. Don’t do it.
Interesting stat: Library staff turnover rate is less than 10% in small libraries.
“Send in the Clowns…Are you fun and popular at work or just annoying?”
A list of annoying habits was given. (Surely none of them referred to ME?!)
Remember to think of the comfort level of others.
Again, communication is important. And sometimes it’s OK to SHUT UP.
“Death-defying Feats” – Negative habits that can kill your attitude and your career
Wallowing in the past
Negative thinking
Green-eyed monster
Mine! Mine! Mine! (Instead, give ownership.)
Ooooh! Ooooh! I can do that! (No, you CAN’T do it all.)
Of, course I’m right. (A know-it-all is never welcome.)
I’m so bored! (Know when it’s time to get our and MOVE ON. Look at the greater good of the organization. If YOU feel it’s time to move on, it probably is.
You can’t understand how good you can be until you know how bad you are.
“Leading the Parade” Learning and using the attitudes of successful workers.
Above all else, attitude is the #1 predictor of success. Be UP!
Get exercise, eat right, set goals, be in charge of your destiny, no job is too small, everyone is important and educate, educate, educate.
“The Final Act”
You may not always be the star, but when everyone works together, it’s always going to be a great show.
Presented by George Needham, OCLC
His blog is at
They also have an RSS feed.
Interesting statistic: There are approximately 9500 library systems in the US…about 7000 are small libraries.
Web Junction is run by OCLC with a grant from the Gates Foundation. There are also approximately 150 volunteers who moderate posts…they always need more.
George spoke of “bibliomining”
Here is a link to describe what it is:
Almost everything on the Web Junction site is free. There are library policies and procedures - everything from technology plans to HR issues.
There is a lot of library training, also. While a few of these are free, most of them are fee-based.
Contact George directly if you have any questions.
“This Place is a Circus! or How Many Clowns Can Really Fit in That Car?”
Presented by Tom Lianez
This workshop was very well received! (It really helps when the speaker has a great sense of humor, doesn’t it?) I saw lots of nodding heads throughout.
This discussion was about how to gain control of the craziness in small libraries.
--An old circus/carnival saying – When one of the carnies was in trouble, this was yelled and all of the others would come running to assist. The point? Get the backing of your staff.
“Are you breaking up the act?”
What to do when your friend becomes your boss...communicate, communicate, communicate! If this transition is tough for you, it’s also difficult for them.
The kiss of death for a manager: talking about staff on a personal basis. Don’t do it.
Interesting stat: Library staff turnover rate is less than 10% in small libraries.
“Send in the Clowns…Are you fun and popular at work or just annoying?”
A list of annoying habits was given. (Surely none of them referred to ME?!)
Remember to think of the comfort level of others.
Again, communication is important. And sometimes it’s OK to SHUT UP.
“Death-defying Feats” – Negative habits that can kill your attitude and your career
Wallowing in the past
Negative thinking
Green-eyed monster
Mine! Mine! Mine! (Instead, give ownership.)
Ooooh! Ooooh! I can do that! (No, you CAN’T do it all.)
Of, course I’m right. (A know-it-all is never welcome.)
I’m so bored! (Know when it’s time to get our and MOVE ON. Look at the greater good of the organization. If YOU feel it’s time to move on, it probably is.
You can’t understand how good you can be until you know how bad you are.
“Leading the Parade” Learning and using the attitudes of successful workers.
Above all else, attitude is the #1 predictor of success. Be UP!
Get exercise, eat right, set goals, be in charge of your destiny, no job is too small, everyone is important and educate, educate, educate.
“The Final Act”
You may not always be the star, but when everyone works together, it’s always going to be a great show.
Presented by George Needham, OCLC
His blog is at
They also have an RSS feed.
Interesting statistic: There are approximately 9500 library systems in the US…about 7000 are small libraries.
Web Junction is run by OCLC with a grant from the Gates Foundation. There are also approximately 150 volunteers who moderate posts…they always need more.
George spoke of “bibliomining”
Here is a link to describe what it is:
Almost everything on the Web Junction site is free. There are library policies and procedures - everything from technology plans to HR issues.
There is a lot of library training, also. While a few of these are free, most of them are fee-based.
Contact George directly if you have any questions.