Monday, May 15, 2006


OVAL Ohio Library News Digest

Brehm-Heeger elected YALSA vice president
CHICAGO - Paula Brehm-Heeger, teen services coordinator at the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, has been elected vice president/president-elect of the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), the fastest growing division of the American Library Association (ALA).
ALA. 5/09/06.

Lakewood's new library plan speaks volumes
The Lakewood Public Library reached for a star when it chose New York architect Robert A.M. Stern to design its $16 million expansion and renovation.
Cleveland Plain Dealer. 5/12/06.

Taking on TEL
If a growing list of opponents can't keep it off the ballot, Ohio voters must do their job to keep it out of the Constitution
Secretary of State Ken Blackwell's contro versial Tax Expenditure Limitation amendment qualified for this year's November ballot when supporters last year gathered more than the required number of signatures to put it to a popular vote.
Cleveland Plain Dealer. 5/12/06.

Critic of No Child Left Behind Was Disinvited From Meeting
Patricia Polacco is a popular author of children's books, known for her cuddly tales of loving grandmothers and precocious tots. She is also known for her less than comforting critiques of the No Child Left Behind Act and its emphasis on high-stakes testing
New York Times. 5/13/06.

Switchboard in the Sky
CHESTERHILL, a tucked-away village in Ohio's Appalachian southeast, has been on technology's periphery for years. Its 312 residents have limited cellphone service and no broadband Internet service. The town's antiquated telephone lines struggle to handle minimal Internet speeds for those who do dial up. But thanks to a rural technology grant from the American Distance Education Consortium and a network built by Ohio State University's Information Office, residents are set to go high speed wirelessly.
New York Times. 5/3/06.

Bands sought for Garage Rock
The Toledo-Lucas County Pubic Library is scheduled to host Garage Rock III this July in the library's downtown parking garage, 325 Michigan St. This year's four-week live music series hopes to gather about a dozen bands and groups from northwest Ohio to perform in the free, all-ages shows.Toledo Blade. 5/12/06.

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