Thursday, July 27, 2006


SERLS Ohio Library News Digest

Interested in writing something for Wikipedia? We have some ideas for you
A search of topics that are a source of pride in the Akron area shows the region isn't getting its full due.
Akron Beacon Journal. 7/27/06.

Raising and watching butterflies
'Butterfly Lady' brings Monarchs to library
COSHOCTON – The Coshocton Public Library has gone buggy. Actually, the library is being invaded by butterflies.
Coshocton Tribune. 7/27/06.

Ohio State Begins Library Renovation
After years of planning and massive fundraising, Ohio State University's (OSU) ambitious $105 million renovation and library construction project is about to begin.
LibraryJournal. 7/27/06.

Celebrating Puzzles, in 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 Moves (or So)
Christianity sanctifies Sunday as a day of rest and worship. In the early 19th century, some Protestant communities interpreted the Sabbath sobriety as an injunction against dancing, games and other entertainments. But in Massachusetts a loophole was found.
New York Times. 7/25/06.

And just for laughs . . .
Books Don't Take You Anywhere
WASHINGTON, DC—A study released Monday by the U.S. Department of Education revealed that, contrary to the longtime claims of librarians and teachers, books do not take you anywhere.
the Onion.

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